A Sunday Spent in Cuba
with the SYB crew

Surf Yoga Beer

A Sunday spent in Cuba with the Surf Yoga Beer crew

NAME… Kingsley Delacato

I AM A... fearless adventurer!

Surf Yoga Beer

I WOKE UP AT… 6AM in beautiful, sunny Havana, Cuba!

TO START THE DAY I… Grabbed a coffee, threw on a tank over my favourite bikini top, popped on my Sunday Somewhere shades and joined the SYB crew to pep them up for their morning bootcamp.

Surf Beer Yoga

I SPENT THE DAY WITH… some newly minted SurfYogaBeer friends that were eager to get outside of downtown Havana and into the jungle, so to speak!

I EXPLORED… some relatively unheard of parts of the countryside, from a tourist perspective at least, which started by plunging into some local swimming holes, later going into a local artist's workshop, eating a delicious lunch in a family-owned restaurant, and salsa dancing to a popular local band at the entrance of Ernest Hemingway's house. Pinch me!

Surf Beer Yoga

I'LL NEVER FORGET… later that evening when I puffed on a delightful Cuban cigar on a pier overlooking the water, while more wildly enchanting music filled the air as I watched my friends dance themselves silly!

SUNDAY'S SHOULD BE SPENT… With people you love, exploring wherever possible, making some memories that you will never forget.

Surf Beer Yoga

Traveling to Cuba was an experience that I can't quite put into words. It is a place that can instantly makes you feel timeless, free and so alive. The adventures we had were utterly amazing, and the places we saw were unforgettable. But the best part is always enjoying it all together, with new and old friends alike. Just like all SYB excursions, it's not so much the place that you go to, but the priceless moments that are created along the way and collectively shared – it’s truly an amazing thing to see happen time and time again.

Surf Beer Yoga

Photos & text courtesy of SurfYogaBeer

Kingsley Delacato is the Adventure & Event Director at SurfYogaBeer. She is based in NYC, but is a full-time global adventurer. #SurfYogaBeer

Who is SYB?
Surf Yoga Beer (SYB if you’re in the know) runs two types of events: Retreats to incredible foreign places, and local fitness mini-retreats around New York City. They started in 2014 by creating a workout routine that balances intense exercise, finding zen, and indulging in the fun side of life. You’ll have the opportunity to achieve things you didn’t know you could do, you’ll be able to make new friends, and you get to do it all in an environment that feels like a sleepaway camp for adults with instructors and trainers who are experts in figuring out how to make you into the best version of yourself.

You should join them. The water’s great. Click here to view upcoming retreats.