How to Avoid Jet Lag

Image courtesy of @masonrosephoto

Jet Lag is the bane of most travel experiences and is something even the seasoned traveler is unable to conquer. Whether or not your planned getaway is big or small, it’s not worth losing the first couple of days each time mastering your body clock. And while there is no magic pill (yet) for this, there are a few little gems we have put together that you can start trialling (and error-ing) on your next escape. So, in name of easing the nausea, irritability and extreme exhaustion (or even worse the insomnia), it’s time to read on.

 H2-Go & Food for Thought

Hydration and smart eating is key. You are used to hearing that water is the cure for most ailments, so why did you think Jet Lag would be any different? Drink more than you normally would and avoid alcohol, soft drink and caffeine - not only on your flight but in the lead up too. Also eat food that will keep on moving through, even while you’re mostly stationary on the flight. Avoid breads, crackers and any other heavy snacks. While it may be difficult to turn down the Singapore Sling, channel your inner health goddess and you will be on your way.

 Strategic Z’s

Be smart with your sleep schedule. Choose your flight departure time based on your destinations time zone. You will want to immediately begin operating as if you are in the time zone you are heading to. Regularly stretch on the flight, and only try and nap if it is nighttime in the destination you are enroute to. This may require a bit of planning the day before your flight as well.

Reaching Your Destination

On arrival, do the things your body is screaming at you for. Drink even more water, stretch, take a warm shower and depending on what time of day it is, DON’T SLEEP! It is so important to wait until it is night time for your first night’s rest, this will ensure you get a full nights sleep and you wake up in total sync with your holiday destination.